Well its been a long time since I wrote anything here, so if anyone does look at this blog, I hope you have a wonderful year. I have not done alot since my last blog, the year just seemed to of flown by. I did try my hand at a bit of carving over Christmas while my wife was visiting her family in Japan. I carved her a Welsh love spoon (I can be romantic sometimes), my first attempt at something that intricate and only my second ever carving, the first was the other spoon you can see in the pictures below. My wife and I have also tried our hands at rock painting since she returned from Japan. My wifes is the superb one with the tan,white and black face (a calico kitten) , mine is the not so good (but unfinished so hopefully it improves) gray persian, my wife is obviously the more talented of the two of us and I was tempted to throw mine into a river to never be seen again. You may also notice the lady bird, thats one of my paintings, very simple to do so I think I will concentrate on this kind of painting :)
Oh and my lovely lady has also made some kokedama bonsai (moss ball plants).
Will update on my cat painting soon (unless I do throw it in the river) and I may post my Ninja Dance video but I seriously have to consider that as I am not sure I want the world (2 readers) to witness my amazing dance moves.
The calico cat is wonderful, I have tried rock painting before but I was never as good as this, wonderful work keep it up.
Thanks for the comment but what about my spoon? I think I will have to ban my wifes work from my blog.
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