Sunday, October 01, 2006

Japan part 5

Anybody reading is probably quite bored by now so I won't say much more, just this, Japan is great, the Japanese people are very nice (on a whole), slightly shy but very forgiving to my mistakes. I hugged my Japanese friends for the first time this year( they had told my wife that they were dissappointed last year because I didnt hug them and they had expected me too becasue they thought it was an English thing to do) their reaction was very nice, one of them was very very hesitant but once I had hugged him he seemed to relax, and it made them all smile, hugging is wonderful, I think more Japanese parents, friends and relatives should hug each other, it makes people feel warm and wanted. If you get a chance check out Free Hugs I found this site after seeing a music video on the English man In Japan blogsite. Lets finish with some pictures of Japan, various places I visited while there in August.

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