Saturday, July 01, 2006


Two off my favourite bands of all time are Nine Inch Nails and Bauhaus so when I found out they were touring together I was excited but quickly got depressed as I realised that it was an American based tour and they were unlikey to appear in the UK together:( But then Trent Reznor (NIN) announced on his website that there were going to be radio broadcasts of himself and Peter Murphy (Bauhaus) so I could hear my two favourite artists perform together. Then even better than this the NIN website has put videos of the performance on this page check it out, probably not to everyones taste but for me it is joy to my ears:) . Its rare that I look up to people but these two guys are amazing, and both are older than me which gives me hope that I still have time to learn guitar and make music (in my dreams but still hope). Anyway to Trent and Peter best of luck guys, thanks for the music.........

Love honour peace and pride


Anonymous said...

thanks! I think me and my hubby would really love to see them online...

Ian said...

Hi princessruby, do you know any of the material by NIN or Bauhaus? Very good bands but not to everyone's tastes

Anonymous said...

Hi! i loved Bauhous, i bought Peter Murphy's postcard when i visited London for the first time in good ol' 80's, and still have it!!
the video of "In the flat feild" reminded me of some german impression film, and i loved it!
how was the show?

...and most of all, how is sumo-san? we miss her very much!!!!!!!

Ian said...

Sumo-san is fine thankyou for asking, she is taking a short break from blogging at the moment, I think she felt it was taking over her life and there are other things she wants to concentrate on. I am quite sure that she will be putting posts up soon, but not as often as she was doing. I want her to post as I think it is good for her to express herself.