Friday, June 30, 2006

Mothra Dead Ha Ha Ha

As anyone(if there is anyone) who has read my blog may know, I don't like Mothraaaaaaa very much, I believe Mothra to be the most unbelievable Kaiju EVER, and the stupid moth killed my buddy Gigan (which in my opinion would be impossible). So as revenge I have been playing Godzilla Save The Earth on the XBOX and using every monster possible to really kick Mothra's butt at any given availability, I derive great pleasure in destroyed that useless piece of cloth winged, prism eyed, stuffed flying sock. Sad but True.

Have a beautiful weekend

Love Honour Peace and Pride

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the producers really treasure mothra maybe because it has some quality including its colourfulness. All Kaijus tend to be monotonous colourwise, but adding mothra to them instantly increases appeals to eyes.

I hate Minira!!!!
What an ugly creature!!!

Sorry for that you have to work on weekend. Ask Sumo-san to make a special Pizza, not a Japanese style one, for you;)