Sunday, June 11, 2006

Image Change

On the left you may notice a new image:) its Gigan from the Godzilla movies, its only a temporary change from my ugly face lookin at you:)


Anonymous said...

I've come from Sumo-san's blog.

I did not expect to see Gigan on somebody's website! It is an old film made in the early 70's if my memory is correct.
I went to see that film with my mom and older brother who is a serious OTAKU.
His collection of Kaiju is outrageous though it is just an entry level in the collector's world.
He stores all his collection in a room and a corridor turning to a storage of my parents' home and of course in his house.
Have you ever bought anything from Kaiyoudou?

Ian said...

Yes you are correct, Gigan's first appearance was in 1972, but the picture of the Gigan on my page is from the 2004 film Godzilla:Final Wars, hes much more streamlined and scary looking:) I will put pictures of comparrison on my blog. I am not Otaku:D I only have four figures, 2 godzilla's, 1 Gigan and 1 Gamera, though when I am in Osaka in August I may buy a few more:P I don't know what Kaiyoudou is but when I searched it on the internet the pictures it showed of the models looked to erotic for my liking:D...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for Gigan's photos.
Kaiyoudou is a famous figure production company in JP. When my brother lived near Tokyo, he often went to Tokyo to buy figures. I guess he still buys some online thought he does not have much space anywhere.
Enormous collection, but for collectors, it is their way of life.

Which figure will you buy in Osaka?