This is a short movie one of my friends made for his university course, It stars me (the ugly man with the strange face hair) and someone else that I never actually met, we recorded our parts seperately due to time constraints. I was quite pleased by my performance, its not wonderful but it was my first attempt at acting(badly), I APOLOGISE now for the use of some strong language (Sumimasen to my Japanese friends) , it was not my script(though I did ad-lib most of my lines as my memory is so short I forgot the real lines:D) Its a Horror film about the consequences of greed, hope you like it. Also sorry for the sound quality the compression I used to keep the file size down was too high so the sound is muted slightly:(
I watched the short movie with my husband last night. That was quite kowai, but I thought it was well done editing. He liked it too. Well, I was wondering if there was a live performance movie in the charity event. If so, I'd love to watch it!! That must be so hilarious!
Shhhhhhhhh! Ves! Don't encourage this attention lover! My blood pressure shot up to Max 200!(Dial 999 ASAP!)
I will stamp Strictly Confidential on the DVD of our performance like mad before he fancies showing off!
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